
AT-2020 vs. AT-2035 Comparison (Versus Series)

Audio Technica AT-2020

  • Price: $100
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Sensitivity: -37dB
  • Dynamic Range: 124 dB
  • Impedance: 100-Ohms
  • S/N Ratio: 74 dB

Audio Technica AT-2035

  • Price: $150
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Sensitivity: -33dB
  • Dynamic Range: 136dB
  • Impedance: 120-Ohms
  • S/N Ratio: 82dB

Today we're looking at two microphones that are very similar. The Audio Technica AT-2020 and the Audio Technica AT-2035. When comparing these microphones on paper, you may think that they are very similar, and they in all honesty, they are very similar. There are some very important differences if you are looking to record professional audio.

The build quality of both mics is excellent. Full metal construction that feels extremely durable. However, the AT-2035 does have the added functionality of a -10dB pad and bass rolloff switch built in.

The frequency response of both microphones is listed as the exact same, but if you look at the visualization of the AT2020 & AT2035 response, you can see that the 2035 has a slightly larger boost between 10-15kHz, which provides it slightly better presence. When you listen carefully to the performance on the instruments, you can hear this slight improvement. 

The polar patterns of both mics is very similar, and there's no winner here.

When looking at the sensitivity, we see that the AT2035 has a slightly higher output. What this means is, if the EXACT same signal is played into both microphones, the AT2035 signal will be ~4dB louder. This can make a huge difference. The AT2035 also has a better dynamic range meaning it can handle audio signals that are 12dB louder before breaking up.

When it comes to the S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio, we once again see that the AT2035 is the winner. This specification basically tells you that the signal (voice or instrument) that you are recording will be louder compared to the line noise.

Therefore, the winner of today's Versus Series is the Audio Technica AT2035. To my ears it has a slightly better tone, it generates a louder and cleaner signal, and is all around a better package, and if I had to choose between the two, I would choose the 2035. However, if you are just recording at home and doing voice overs for youtube, you can probably get away with just purchasing the AT-2020. 

Buy the AT2035
US: http://amzn.to/2b9Fbj9
UK: http://amzn.to/2aFhJew

Buy the AT2020
US: http://amzn.to/2b9EWEZ
UK: http://amzn.to/2bbu5LW

NW-700 vs. NW-800 vs. NW-1500 Comparison (Versus Series)


  • Price: $23.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz


  • Price: $27.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 26kHz


  • Price: $33.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz

Today we are comparing three microphones from the same company in order to determine which is the best microphone.

The microphones are the Neewer NW-700, NW-800, and NW-1500. When we look at the specifications, they all share the exact same performance. Also, when we test them next to each other they all have VERY similar performance. 

The only time that we could tell a difference in the performance was during the music test, and the differences were very slight. The NW-700 & NW-1500 sounded fairly similar, but the NW-800 stood out in this area. 

The NW-800 had slighter better presence and high end, which ultimately led to better sound quality and clarity for the acoustic guitar and the vocals. In all honesty, you can get any of these microphones and be fine, but since I have to pick a winner, I select the BM-800 due to the slightly better performance during the music test.

Buy the NW-800
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzeKB
UK: http://amzn.to/1WkD3Fe

Buy the NW-700
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzdX7
UK: http://amzn.to/1NJxUj8

Buy the NW-1500
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzcSV
UK: http://amzn.to/1NJxWYh

Behringer C1u vs Samson C01u Pro Comparison (Versus Series)

Samson C01u Pro

  • Price: $90.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Resolution: 48kHz

Behringer C1u

  • Price: $60.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 40Hz - 16kHz

Today I compared two USB microphones to determine which performs better and which one you should. Those two mics are the Samson C01u Pro and the Behringer C1u.

First thing I noticed when comparing the mics is the internal interfaces. The Samson c01u provides much better volume, and a cleaner preamp. Also, I was able to set my microphone input MUCH lower (17% vs ~75%) on the Samson, which means I can have more control over the sound, and also, by keeping the gain lower, I avoid hiss generated from the internal preamps.

When we got to music test, it was once again apparent that the Samson outperformed the Behringer. The acoustic, vocals, and electric all sounded more natural with better presence and clarity. On top of this, the Samson did better with noise cancellation abd also has a headphone port for latency free monitoring.

In every situation, the Samson C01u outperformed the Behringer which led me to crown it this episodes victor. It is $30 more, but it is definitely worth the extra money.

Buy the Samson C01u Pro
US: http://amzn.to/1VbV5um
UK: http://amzn.to/1YBQ6kD

Buy the Behringer C1u
US: http://amzn.to/1So4fTS
UK: http://amzn.to/1Sfrjir

BM-700 vs. BM-800 vs. BM-8000 Comparison (Versus Series)


  • Price: $29.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz


  • Price: $27.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz


  • Price: $26.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz

Today we are comparing three Excelvan microphones to determine which is the best. The mics are the BM-700, BM-800, and BM-8000.

The construction of the microphones bodies is the exact same. The only difference is the microphone capsules enclosure on top, but this doesn't seem to effect the sound too much.

In all honesty, the microphones performance was nearly identical. There were some very small differences in EQ's between the microphones, but nothing too noticeable. The BM-700 did seem a bit boomy, and had a bit hotter of a signal which led to some clipping, but other than that, not much difference.

It was difficult to pick, but after very close analysis of the sound, I think that BM-800 is the winner. It provides a slightly cleaner sound, and better tone. Also it saves you a few dollars as well. Hope this helped you decide which microphone is right for you.

Buy the BM-700: http://amzn.to/1qACnzD
Buy the BM-800: http://amzn.to/1MmSsDd
Buy the BM-8000: http://amzn.to/1S9BR81

BSP-013: XLR vs USB Microphones, Which Should You Buy?

On this episode of The Bandrew Says Podcast, Bandrew clears some more air regarding YouTube comments.

He talks about testing out YouTube red and the value that he found in spending $9.99 for a service that used to be free. There's also a brief overview of the latest Apple Event (iPad Pro 9.7", iPhone SE, iOS 9.3, Apple TV). And lastly there is discussion of which type of microphone is right for you; a USB microphone or an XLR microphone.

Versus Series: BM-8000 vs NW-1500

These two mics have very different numberings, but they are placed in the exact same body. Again, the Excelvan out shines the Neewer in terms of specifications, however, unlike the last three versus series, the Excelvan actually wins.

Not only is the Excelvan about $10 cheaper than the Neewer microphone, but it has a much better sound. The frequency response captures all the way up to 20kHz, and the low end is not overly boomy.

All around the BM-8000 is a better sounding microphone, and it saves you so money too!

Buy the BM-8000: http://amzn.to/1QPnbXZ
Buy the NW-1500: http://amzn.to/1M0DLVR


  • Price: $28.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid


  • Price: $38.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Versus Series: BM-800 vs NW-800


  • Price: $28.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid


  • Price: $27.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid

In the second installment of the Versus Series, we had a much closer match. Based on the specifications, once again the BM-800 should have won. But when it comes down to actual performance, the victor was the NW-800.

The sound quality between these two microphones was very close, however, the NW-800 provided a slightly cleaner tone. This was apparent in the acoustic guitar performance, as well as electric guitar performance. 

Although the NW-800 is limited in the frequency response arena, I believe that it makes up for in a tighter, and less boomy low end, and cleaner all around tone. 

Buy the NW-800: http://amzn.to/1pFyYiK
Buy the BM-800: http://amzn.to/22e7FKa

Versus Series: NW-700 vs BM-700

NW-700 BM-700
Cost $23.00 $27.00
Microphone Type Condenser Condenser
Frequency Response 20Hz - 16KHz 20Hz - 20KHz
Polar Pattern Cardioid Cardioid

When looking at the specifications, you may think that the BM-700 should have been the microphone that came out on top, but when listening to the actual sound produced by each microphone the NW-700 is the real winner.

The NW-700 had a much tighter low end and provided more accurate audio reproduction. This led to less booming with the acoustic guitar and vocals, and much better electric guitar sounds.

Both microphones require a minimum of 4.5v to work well, but can run using a full +48v of phantom power without damaging them. Either microphone would be a fine addition to your cheap microphone collection, but if you only have the budget for one, I would recommend the NW-700.

Buy the NW-700: http://amzn.to/1oeCLm6
Buy the BM-700: http://amzn.to/1ThRwQB