
NW-700 vs. NW-800 vs. NW-1500 Comparison (Versus Series)


  • Price: $23.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz


  • Price: $27.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 26kHz


  • Price: $33.00
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz

Today we are comparing three microphones from the same company in order to determine which is the best microphone.

The microphones are the Neewer NW-700, NW-800, and NW-1500. When we look at the specifications, they all share the exact same performance. Also, when we test them next to each other they all have VERY similar performance. 

The only time that we could tell a difference in the performance was during the music test, and the differences were very slight. The NW-700 & NW-1500 sounded fairly similar, but the NW-800 stood out in this area. 

The NW-800 had slighter better presence and high end, which ultimately led to better sound quality and clarity for the acoustic guitar and the vocals. In all honesty, you can get any of these microphones and be fine, but since I have to pick a winner, I select the BM-800 due to the slightly better performance during the music test.

Buy the NW-800
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzeKB
UK: http://amzn.to/1WkD3Fe

Buy the NW-700
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzdX7
UK: http://amzn.to/1NJxUj8

Buy the NW-1500
US: http://amzn.to/1VMzcSV
UK: http://amzn.to/1NJxWYh

Versus Series: BM-8000 vs NW-1500

These two mics have very different numberings, but they are placed in the exact same body. Again, the Excelvan out shines the Neewer in terms of specifications, however, unlike the last three versus series, the Excelvan actually wins.

Not only is the Excelvan about $10 cheaper than the Neewer microphone, but it has a much better sound. The frequency response captures all the way up to 20kHz, and the low end is not overly boomy.

All around the BM-8000 is a better sounding microphone, and it saves you so money too!

Buy the BM-8000: http://amzn.to/1QPnbXZ
Buy the NW-1500: http://amzn.to/1M0DLVR


  • Price: $28.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid


  • Price: $38.00
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 16kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid

Neewer NW-1500 Condenser Microphone Review/Test

Greetings Earthlings. Time for another Mic Review. This is another new mass produced mic that we will be seeing under a bunch of different names. This is the first one that I saw though, so I picked it up. This is another omni directional, condenser microphone. The sound on the sides of the microphone does seem to be a somewhat dead area, or at least does not provide high quality audio in those locations. The frequency response ranges from 20Hz - 16kHz. which provides a slightly better low end response compared to the other mass produced Chinese microphones I have tested out.

I have no complaints about the microphone's construction. It seems to be built very well. It simply looks, and feels, like they took the body of the NW-700 and added a new microphone capsule on top of it to emulate the Blue Spark. This mic also comes with absolutely everything you will need to get started, Mic, Shockmount, Stand, Cable, & Pop Filter. Some of the accessories are not the best quality but they will definitely get you started.

This microphone also does require power. About 5V to be exact. Most modern sound cards are capable of producing 5V of power, but some of the older sound cards only put out about 3V. If this is the case on your microphone, I recommend picking up the SABRENT USB AUDIO ADAPTER, which is a USB audio adapter, and that will probably solve the issue (that's how I recorded the video).

Let me know if you have any questions about this microphone in the section down below, and if I receive enough questions, I will create a follow up video that will be released on Sunday.

Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Yw2lB9