
AT-2020 vs AT-2035 vs AT-2050 Comparison (Versus Series)


Price: $100
Polar Ptrn: Cardioid
Freq Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity: -37dB
Max SPL: 144dB
Self Noise: 20dB


Price: $150
Polar Ptrn: Cardioid
Freq Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity: -33dB
Max SPL: 148 - 158dB
Self Noise: 12dB


Price: $230
Polar Ptrn: Cardioid, Omni, Figure-8
Freq Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity: -37dB
Max SPL: 144dB
Self Noise: 20dB

Today we're comparing the entire 20 series of microphones from Audio-Technica; the AT-2020, AT-2035, and AT-2050 in order to determine which is the best option for you.

The build quality of these mics is very similar. They all feel as though they're built of the same material which does not feel cheap at all. All of the mics use an identical (or nearly identical) chassis to house the electronics, but the AT-2020 has a slightly short XLR stem at the bottom of the mic. The other difference between the mics is apparent in the switches. The AT-2020 has no switches, the AT-2035 has a -10dB pad and an 80Hz high pass switch, while the AT-2050 has a -10dB pad, 80Hz high pass switch, and 3-way polar pattern selector.

The frequency response of these mics has some significant differences. The graph below overlays the frequency response of all 3 mics (on the cardioid polar pattern). The 2020, has the most significant bass cut which makes the mic sound somewhat thin on voice. The 2050 has the flattest bass response, but also the most prominently boosted presence with a peak around 4kHz and a peak in the air around 12kHz. The 2035 lies right in between these two microphones with a more subtle bass cut, a more subtle presence boost and an air boost peaking at around 14kHz. 

As far as the overall performance of these microphones, the AT-2020 sounded thin on the voice due to the more substantial bass cut and consistent treble boost. The AT-2050 sounded overly boosted in the presence and treble frequencies which made it sound somewhat brittle, and slightly unpleasant to listen to. Of these three microphones the 2035 seems to offer the most natural response for spoken word.

The darkest line is the 2050, the 2nd darkest is the 2035, and the lightest is the 2020. 

The darkest line is the 2050, the 2nd darkest is the 2035, and the lightest is the 2020. 

With all that being said the WINNER of this versus series is the AT-2035. I chose this as the winner because it did of the most natural sound on spoken word. It did have a somewhat muddy sound on the electric and acoustic guitar, but this could be resolved by throwing on a high pass filter in post or by initializing the 80Hz high pass on the microphone. All around, of these three microphones, I just think that the 2035 did one thing the best.

If you have any questions, or want to provide your input, please leave a comment on the youtube video.

Buy the AT2020: 

Buy the AT2035

Buy the AT2050

AT-2020 vs. AT-2035 Comparison (Versus Series)

Audio Technica AT-2020

  • Price: $100
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Sensitivity: -37dB
  • Dynamic Range: 124 dB
  • Impedance: 100-Ohms
  • S/N Ratio: 74 dB

Audio Technica AT-2035

  • Price: $150
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Sensitivity: -33dB
  • Dynamic Range: 136dB
  • Impedance: 120-Ohms
  • S/N Ratio: 82dB

Today we're looking at two microphones that are very similar. The Audio Technica AT-2020 and the Audio Technica AT-2035. When comparing these microphones on paper, you may think that they are very similar, and they in all honesty, they are very similar. There are some very important differences if you are looking to record professional audio.

The build quality of both mics is excellent. Full metal construction that feels extremely durable. However, the AT-2035 does have the added functionality of a -10dB pad and bass rolloff switch built in.

The frequency response of both microphones is listed as the exact same, but if you look at the visualization of the AT2020 & AT2035 response, you can see that the 2035 has a slightly larger boost between 10-15kHz, which provides it slightly better presence. When you listen carefully to the performance on the instruments, you can hear this slight improvement. 

The polar patterns of both mics is very similar, and there's no winner here.

When looking at the sensitivity, we see that the AT2035 has a slightly higher output. What this means is, if the EXACT same signal is played into both microphones, the AT2035 signal will be ~4dB louder. This can make a huge difference. The AT2035 also has a better dynamic range meaning it can handle audio signals that are 12dB louder before breaking up.

When it comes to the S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio, we once again see that the AT2035 is the winner. This specification basically tells you that the signal (voice or instrument) that you are recording will be louder compared to the line noise.

Therefore, the winner of today's Versus Series is the Audio Technica AT2035. To my ears it has a slightly better tone, it generates a louder and cleaner signal, and is all around a better package, and if I had to choose between the two, I would choose the 2035. However, if you are just recording at home and doing voice overs for youtube, you can probably get away with just purchasing the AT-2020. 

Buy the AT2035

Buy the AT2020