
BSP-029: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel

00:00 - Intro
01:25 - Embarrassing Story
04:03 - Travel Podcast Setup
08:19 - Verizon Acquires Yahoo
11:40 - Tesla Phase Deux
16:20 - Show and Tell
17:17 - Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
18:12 - Descendents Hypercaffium Spazzinate
19:45 - Facebook Live & OBS
21:35 - How to grow your YouTube Channel
29:40 - Outro

On episode 29, I am back in my studio so there is no more creepy quiet talking. I share an embarrassing story about my recent trip as well my travel podcasting set up and how I think it performed.

I briefly discuss two pieces of news regarding the Yahoo acquisition, followed by Elon Musks announcement of Phase 2 of the Tesla plan. Then I share a new album that I love and a TV show that I just discovered and can’t stop watching.

Lastly, I talk about my experience with Facebook live and OBS, and end the podcast sharing my thoughts on how you can grow your youtube channel.

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BSP-026: How I Make Money on YouTube

00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Why I Missed Last Weeks Episode
02:25 - How I Make Money on Youtube (Full Disclosure)
10:11 - New Podcast?
11:45 - Self Driving Death!
13:38 - New Nasa Rocket
14:27 - Apple Buying Tidal?
17:08 - Show & Tell
17:50 - TV/Movies/YouTube of the Week
18:55 - Blink 182 California
20:19 - Magpul  iPhone Case
21:00 - FitBit Fail
21:33 - How to Differentiate Your Podcast / YouTube Channel
21:35 - Tech (Reliable Gear)
26:08 - Content
31:30 - Outro

On episode 26 of The Bandrew Says Podcast, I briefly discuss why I missed last week’s episode and why I did not announce it prior to missing it. I then talk about plans for a new podcast I will be launching. If you don’t hear anything else about this show, Hound me on twitter to keep me motivated.

Then I talk about about some Apple, Nasa, and Tesla News, as well as give my thoughts on a youtube channel and the new Blink-182 Record. I briefly discuss a new iPhone case I’m testing, and some problems I have with my fit bit.

Lastly, I cover very basic ways to differentiate your podcast and youtube channel. I briefly discuss some information about tech used in your podcast, and then discuss a few ways to differentiate your content. I may revisit this topic on a later podcast.

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PHXCCC: Do You Even Podcast? Panel

On the last day of Phoenix Comic Con 2016, Logan from The Paper Robots, Matt from Absolute Geek Podcast, & Bandrew from The Bandrew Says Podcast ran a panel titled "Do You Even Podcast?".

In this panel, they briefly touched on their podcasting motivations and history, and then dive into Q&A with an awesome audience. The topics covered range from what's the best audio gear to start a podcast with to how do you host your podcast to how do you prepare for a podcast episode. If you are new to podcasting or if you plan on starting your own podcast, this is a must watch.

BSP-022: Dynamic vs. Condenser Mics & How to Improve Your Audio

On episode 22, I talk about running into a crazy hippy in the desert, as well as how incredibly stressed and busy I have been the last few weeks. 

Then as the main topic, I discuss one of the most frequently asked questions, the difference between dynamic and condenser microphones, and then what are some of the best ways to improve your audio quality that most people don't do.

On this episode, I answered questions provided by ZacIsDolan, Super Sapp, Ahmet Kahraman, NerdCharacter, and Jay Snippety.

On episode 22, I talk about running into a crazy hippy in the desert, as well as how incredibly stressed and busy I have been the last few weeks.

Then as the main topic, I discuss one of the most frequently asked questions, the difference between dynamic and condenser microphones, and then what are some of the best ways to improve your audio quality that most people don't do.

On this episode, I answered questions provided by ZacIsDolan, Super Sapp, Ahmet Kahraman, NerdCharacter, and Jay Snippety.

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00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Stressed Out
08:58 - Comedy Bang! Bang! Tv Show is BACK!
10:27 - Podcast Recommendations
11:11 - ZacisDolan-Road to 50 Subs: Why did my old mic pick up radio waves?
12:03 - Super Sapp: How mandatory in your opinion is it to get audio treatment? Does it effect the sound a lot?
14:52 - Ahmet Kahraman: How you buy lots of microphones
20:25 - NerdCharacter: What is the difference between dynamic mics and condenser?
25:25 - JaySnippety:  What are some of the simplest ways to improve audio that most people don’t do?
31:45 - Outro

BSP-018: How to Start a Podcast

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Stay True to Your Audience
06:13 - News: SpaceX
07:20 - News: Streaming Cable (YouTube Unplugged, Hulu Live)
10:34 - TV / Movies of the Week
12:09 - Brief Unofficial History of From First To Last
18:48 - What I’ve Been Testing?
19:11 - Podcast Questions
25:05 - How to Start Your Own Podcast
35:25 - Outro

Todays main topic of the BSP is how to start your own podcast. I walk you through the steps from the Inception of the idea all the way through publishing. It is not the most thorough or in depth explanation at all levels, but it will get you started.

The other main feature is an unofficial history of the band From First To Last. This was brought on because Matt Good, the guitarist, and only original member posted a picture saying that he was writing new music for new FFTL!

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BSP-012: How to Outline, Script & Edit for Youtube

On episode 12 Bandrew clears the air about giving away free microphones to Podcastage viewers, Talks about a comic book that everyone needs to read, discusses his gratitude for The Mythbusters, gets excited for The last man on earth, shares his thoughts about a few audio recording apps, spotify, and then discusses how he outlines, scripts, & edits for youtube.

BSP-011: Chromebooks, Microphones, Phantom Power & Soundcards

On Ep. 11 Bandrew talks about new Podcastage projects, Helping Friends, Music you should check out, The X-Files, talks about his experience with the Acer Chromebook 11, and then talks about different types of microphones mixed with USB soundcards and phantom power supplies.

SFCCC: How to Publish Comics w/ Brian Pulido

One of the most common questions among comic book creators is: "how do I get my comic book published?". I sat in on Brian Pulido's panel at the Santa Fe Comic Con to try and get those answers for you.

If you don't know who Brian Pulido is, he is a comic book creator who has been in the game since 1991. Over his nearly 2 and a half decades as a professional comic creator, he has published books for Megadeth, WWF, ICP, Halloween, The Mummy and Static X.

The ideas from his panel, "How to Publish Comics", can be summarized into three categories.

Be Realistic

When you're starting to write a story, it is essential that you understand the marketplace that you are entering. You don't necessarily need to allow the market place to alter your course, but you should enter into it with realistic expectations.

It is definitely more fun to write about something that you are completely passionate about. However, if what you are passionate about is a very specific and unique story, before entering the marketplace, know how your book will fit into the grand scheme of things. Basically just have realistic expectations.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to forecast the marketplace. If you see that one year vampires are really popular, and you decide to write a vampire book to cash in on the trend, by the time you get to market with the story, the trend will have passed. That is no way to succeed in the comic industry. What it comes down to is: be true to yourself, be realistic about your books place in the market, and don't try to cash in on trends. 

Finding the Right Team

Another hugely important aspect of publishing your first book is finding the right team. If you are just starting out in comics, chances are you will not be working with well established writers or authors right off the bat. Therefore, it's incredibly important to vet the potential partners. One of the hardest parts of starting out will be finding artists that are true to their word who will produce work in a timely fashion. You should not be afraid to try multiple people.

Make sure that you understand your Writer's/Artist's personality, commitments, hobbies, etc. Do they have a full time job? Are they a full time student? How committed will this person be to the project? All of these are important questions to ask prior to entering into a comic with someone. Let me share a story of Brian's with you.

For Brian's first book "Evil Ernie", he received submissions from 71 artists. He ended up trying out 12 of those artists, and ultimately all 12 failed in regards to quality or professionalism. When Brian says professionalism, he means (1) doing what you say you will do in the time that is agreed upon, (2) being honest about the time you will be available to work on the material, and (3) being in communication when things change. To simplify, it is finding like minded people to work with. 

Publishing Methodology

It is now completely doable to publish your own book. The way that Brian does this is by hosting the world premier on Kickstarter, and going directly to the readers. After the close of the kickstarter project, Pulido & Team are able to deliver the product within 5-6 weeks. The way that this team accomplishes this is by completing all the creative work prior to the launch, meaning they are only going to kickstarter to cover printing costs.

Currently Brian has a kickstarter for a book Zack the Zombie Exterminator, and will be launching another Kickstarter on November 2nd for a book titled La Muerta. Make sure to check out Brian Pulido's work.

Follow Brian Pulido on Twitter @TheBrianPulido
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Can You podcast With a Google Chromebook

The first extra video that I am releasing on the podcastage Channel is a video that I made just for myself and my curiosity. I had a Chromebook lying around and I wanted to know if you can podcast on it. This would provide an extremely low and cheap entry point for podcasters.

I found that it is possible to do, but you will not have the best sound quality, and you won't have that much power. The best way to go about it is using a Xenyx 302usb (a usb mixer). This will provide you with Phantom Power, live monitoring of what you're recording, and a basic EQ. The service that I tested out only allows you five minutes of recording time for free on a single track. The pricing breakdown is as follows

  • Free = 5 Minutes
  • $5/month = 20 minute files & 1 track
  • $10/month = 60 minute files & 1 track
  • $20/month = unlimited minute & unlimited tracks

So in all honesty, I don't know how viable of an option this is. But it's the best way I was able to find. I have a few other things I will test out later and report back to you on. For now that's all I got. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below (or on youtube) and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks for watching/reading.

RCCCC: Imposter Syndrome and You

RCCCC time again and today I am going to be talking to you about Wil Wheaton's Panel from Sunday, September 20th @ 11:00 am.

There are quite a few things that I could talk about from his panel, but I think that one aspect of the panel was most important. His discussion of Anxiety & Imposter Syndrome. If you don't know what imposter syndrome is, it is the feeling that you are inadequate even when there is information that proves that feeling to be wrong. It can also be a feeling of chronic self doubt. Wil Wheaton defines it as "The mom's voice from Carrie screaming They're All Going To Laugh At You". 

First I'm going to share with you Cal Tech's breakdown of three ways Imposter Syndrome can be experienced.

  1. Feeling Like a Fake
    Before even reading past the title, I'm sure a lot of you can already empathize with this feeling. This is when you feel like you have somehow deceived your way into a position or a job that you really don't deserve. I know that when I got accepted into graduate school, I legitimately said "It's only a matter of time before they realize the mistake they made". 
  2. Attributing Success to Luck
    Once again, the title really defines this experience. Cal Tech really knows how to title this syndrome's parts. This is when you succeed at something and say something like "I just got lucky." or "This other person deserved it." which could be used as a sort of safety net in case you don't succeed next time.
  3. Discounting Success
    And again, title is self explanatory. This is when you achieve something, but you automatically try to downplay it and say "No big deal." or give excuses as to why you don't deserve the praise. Once again, in school, when I got my Master's Degree, I said "Yeah but it was only a 3.0, I barely got it. It shouldn't count." 

Now I want to share some of Wil Wheaton's thoughts about how to overcome perpetual self doubt and actually go out and create.

Let's get this out of the way. No matter what you're doing, and no matter how good it is, people online are going to shit on it. Do you want to know why? Because there are so many people online, and those people who leave hateful comments about your stuff are fuck sticks. You need to learn to ignore those people because it simply is not important what they think. Do you like what you made? Good! That's all that matters.

That leads into the first piece of Wil's advice that I want to impart on you: "Make something that you love and accept that it's not for everyone." This is the perfect way to find happiness in art. The moment you find your voice, or find your story, or find your instrument, and realize that you love what you're making and want to make it forever, that's happiness. Now, realize that not ever single person out there is going to like it. Chances are the majority of people will not like it because there are 7 billion people out there. You can't appeal to even half of them, so don't try, and don't take it personal when some dick mouth decides to shit on your creation. Joel Watson once said "You make [things], they make comments".

And that is one of the most important things to remember. The people who are online spewing their hate online are typically not creators, they are people who hide behind a screen and talk shit. What they say is not important. When it comes down to it, Dub Dub said "make whatever it is for yourself and hope others come along for the ride" 

Now go out, realize that you kick ass, and make some amazing art! Do it for yourself, and most importantly have some fun while you're doing it! 


How to Install a Shock Mount

Hey everyone. I got another request from a viewer. This time for a tutorial on how to install a mic into a shockmount and how to install a shockmount onto a boom arm. It is pretty straight forward but I had fun showing him how to do so. If y'all have any requests for additional tutorials, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments down below or on youtube and I will get to them as soon as I can. See y'all later!