
PHXCCC: Do You Even Podcast? Panel

On the last day of Phoenix Comic Con 2016, Logan from The Paper Robots, Matt from Absolute Geek Podcast, & Bandrew from The Bandrew Says Podcast ran a panel titled "Do You Even Podcast?".

In this panel, they briefly touched on their podcasting motivations and history, and then dive into Q&A with an awesome audience. The topics covered range from what's the best audio gear to start a podcast with to how do you host your podcast to how do you prepare for a podcast episode. If you are new to podcasting or if you plan on starting your own podcast, this is a must watch.

BSP-018: How to Start a Podcast

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Stay True to Your Audience
06:13 - News: SpaceX
07:20 - News: Streaming Cable (YouTube Unplugged, Hulu Live)
10:34 - TV / Movies of the Week
12:09 - Brief Unofficial History of From First To Last
18:48 - What I’ve Been Testing?
19:11 - Podcast Questions
25:05 - How to Start Your Own Podcast
35:25 - Outro

Todays main topic of the BSP is how to start your own podcast. I walk you through the steps from the Inception of the idea all the way through publishing. It is not the most thorough or in depth explanation at all levels, but it will get you started.

The other main feature is an unofficial history of the band From First To Last. This was brought on because Matt Good, the guitarist, and only original member posted a picture saying that he was writing new music for new FFTL!

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