Hey Everyone. I know that I don't typically post reviews on Thursday, but this is different than the regular reviews I do. This video is resolving an issue that a lot of my viewers who run Mac computers have run into.
There are a lot of microphones that have a 1/8" or 3.5mm jack, and from my understanding, almost all the new Macs have a single 1/8" jack. This jack functions as the headphones, and microphone jack. Unfortunately, this requires a very special sort of cable that very few companies use. So Mac users have been unable to use these mics without expensive interfaces and all that. I found a solution for $6, and I had to share it so that you can benefit from it if you order one of these mics! Hope it helps, and I will see you on Tuesday at the Regular time!
Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1K9BPHA