SSP-32: Hiding Boom Shadows In The Shot & Boom Op Body Silencing

Since 32 is one of my favorite numbers, I decided to do a boom operator double feature. In the first segment I'm going to discuss hiding a boom shadow in the shot. Many people would tell you to hide your shadow along a line in the architecture or in a cluttered area of set and this does sometimes work but the most helpful tip is something different. Second I'm going to discuss the importance of silencing your body on set and what that entails.

SSP-31: Why Talking Animals Annoy Me & A Character Actor Addressing A Sound Concern

Every day on set brings new challenges and I'm sure the same goes in post when trying to piece together the show from the footage. Still... I can't help but get frustrated when non-human creatures don't speak the way their biology tells us it should so I'm going to start with my take on this. Second I'm going to tell a story about a character actor addressing a sound concern on set while in character in his own, brilliant way. Enjoy.

SSP-29: Make Sure Your Deal Memo Is Specific & Cuba Gooding Jr Defending Crew

Start paperwork is pretty standard; you fill out the forms, sign where appropriate and click submit but when making a deal outside of the pre-printed paperwork, make sure your wording is specific and detailed. My first topic will discuss this topic. For my story from set I'll be telling a couple stories about Cuba Gooding Jr defending the crew against a 1st AD who was losing his temper when in the wrong. Enjoy.

SSP-28: What Can A Steward Do For Crew & Convincing A Show To Hire Union

As of the time of this episode's release, it's winter so I felt a need to use some winter examples to aid in a presentation about union stewards and what they can do for the crew. In short, a steward has no power or authority but it merely a single person that can address concerns or issues with the execution of the contract or contact the union office for support. In the second segment I'm going to tell a story that happened over 10 years ago when a show I was on was trying to be cheap and not hire a union member for a union job and what I did to convince them they should.

SSP-27: My Thoughts on the Film Industry Entering 2025

I've been thinking about the film industry a lot over the past 2 years and now, as we enter 2025, I've decided to voice some of my thoughts. I'd like your input as well - not just on my thoughts but on the industry in general. Whether you're in the industry or not, I'd love your thoughts.

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and opinions and don't represent worldly absolute truths.

SSP-26: Paying For Additional Firmware Unlocks & Velcro on a Boom Pole

Here we go with the last episode of the new Sound Speeds Podcast for the year 2024. Episode 26... yeah buddy. For this episode we're going to tackle a couple of things (as usual) starting with a follow up to my recent video about paying to unlock features on product you already bought. No, I'm not back pedaling, I'm clarifying my thoughts on fully functioning products you buy - what are my thoughts for paying for additional features? Next I'm going to answer the question of why I like 2" Velcro on my boom poles under the knuckles. Were we go!

SSP-25: Booming In Cars & Making An Organization For Pro Boom Ops

We're now a quarter of the way to 100 episodes. Time does fly. For this episode I start by tackling a question I occasionally get in real world boom operator classes - do you boom inside of cars. Second, I publicly discuss a topic that's near and dear to my heart and has been for 10 years now - the creation of a professional organization to legitimize the boom operator role. Let's dive in...

SSP-24: Hogs Hair for rain and Gear Insurance

Although I thought this was episode 24 during the recording of this episode, it's actually 24. In this episode I decided to start by addressing hog's hair and why I didn't mention it in my video about recording dialogue inside a car when it's being rained on. Second, and this is long overdue, what I believe to be the best insurance for your gear. Not just sound gear, camera, lights - whatever... Trew Shield.

SSP-22: A RANT: Arguing in the Comments & 3 Tricks For Boom Operation Precision

For Episode 22 I'm going to address something that's irritated me for years on this channel - debating viewers in the comments. If you have experience in sound or point out something I said incorrectly, fair enough, but copying and pasting talking points from a website when you don't understand something and ask for clarification is annoying. Second I'm going to share 3 tricks boom operators can use to increase their microphone movement and precision.

SSP-21: Why Low Frequencies Go Thru Walls Better Than High & Ear Fatigue

For Episode 21 I'm going to once again cover some topics I discussed a while back but you may have missed the episodes.. For the first topic we're going to discuss why lower frequency sounds travel thru walls easier than higher frequency sounds then for our second topic, we're going to discuss ear fatigue. Have at it!

00:00 Intro
00:16 Why lower frequencies go thru walls easier than high
04:38 Ear fatique: What and Why?
10:50 Outro

SSP-20: Why I Don't Like Recommending Mics & Using Sound To Point Your Camera

Episode 20, twenty episodes down already. Many people ask YouTube content creators for microphone recommendations and that's fine if it gives someone an idea of where to start but I don't like recommending microphones as a rule. I'll explain why in part one but in part two, I'll be showing a trick I use for pointing my 3 gimbal axis camera using sound. Enjoy.

SSP-19: Using VSTs Multiple Times & YouTube Audio At Different Resolutions

For Episode 19 I decided to record, again, in another environment. What do you think? For the first topic we're going to discuss something you may not have considered - using the same VST multiple times on the same audio clip. Second we'll talk about YouTube audio and if/how it changes with different playback video resolutions. Enjoy.

SSP-18: Improving Reverb Without Treatment & Getting Better Sound With AC Running

Episode 18 takes place on location where we're going to discuss two topics. The first is how you can improve dialogue recoding in a room with a lot of reverb and the second, how you can improve your dialogue recording if there's a loud AC unit on. Keep in mind I'm using the mic build into the DJI Osmo Action 4 so the audio is not good to begin with and the processing examples I do are extremes to make a point. I hope you find this video informative.

SSP-15: How To Quiet A Putt-Putt On Set & How To Hear The Room You're In

This is Episode 15, an episode following 14... Have you ever been on a film set in the middle of nowhere where everything is quiet and then suddenly you hear a putt-putt generator start up right next to set? Well if that does happen, you can reduce the badness and I start with how to do that. For our second topic I'll discuss how you can train your ears to hear the room you're in. A few key concepts and then practice should help you to do just that.