Superhero Sunday: The Question

You need to stop accepting answers and question everything you've been told because in this edition of Superhero Sunday we are covering The Question.

The History

Yes, this is the superhero who inspired Alan Moore's Rorschach  in Watchmen. Created in 1967 by artist/writer Steve Ditko and seen in Charlton Comic's Blue Beetle #1 . Of course I didn't know who the question was until the amazing 2004 animated TV series Justice League United (JLU) in which The Question is a paranoid conspiracy theoirst. 

The Character

The mantle of The Question has been taken up by more than one person but the first and current person is Charles Victor Sage (Vic Sage). Vic Sage is an outspoken investigative journalist who discovers that his old professor, Aristolte Rodor, is working on a new fake skin, Psuedoderm, for treating wounds. Vic also discovers the Psuedoderm is toxic for many people and must not be released to the public. Rodor disregards this and sells it to third world countries anyway(dick move). In order to sneak around and find Rodor, Vic takes some psuedoderm and makes a mask that is faceless. Vic stops Rodor and then decides to keep this alternate persona to continue to stop crime.

A few years later DC acquired the Charlton Comics line. The Question (Written by Dennis O'Neil) still had the same origin but was aimed at unpinning the political corruption of his home; Hub City . This origin is once again revamped in DC's New 52 where he gains the mask from a Batman villain "Noface." Still Vic Sage is The Question, bent on stopping political conspiracy. 

This brings us to Renee Montoya, the successor to Vic Sage. Renee Montoya a latina Gotham City police officer who is featured prominently in "Gotham Central" and other stories. She was created in Batman: the animated series and remains a popular character working along side Batwoman. In "52" (DC's weekly series in 2006) once Sage learns he has cancer he trains Renee. Sage thought she matched his objectivism and would be the right one for the mask. 

Why this hero?

Montoya is also my favorite version of The Question. She meets Vic Sage who helps her investigate a potential attack on Gotham, after that, they continue to work together. Sage reveals he has cancer and throughout several issues they work toward stopping crimes of corruption. At one point she is portrayed as a recovering alcoholic. She has guilt of criminals she has killed in the past and says she won't kill again. Throughout these cases with Sage, she is built back up and comes to accept her fate of becoming The Question. 

No matter what version of The Question you might encounter, you'll be in for a good time. I am partial to Montoya and the Justice League United versions. Plus who doesnt like an objectivist, zen shaman who can rock a fedora and trench coat(totally owns it).

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