Logan's Top 5 Shows of 2015

Its already been stated but bares repeating, Television/Shows have evolved and we live in a time where some of the most compelling stories being told are on your home screens and not in the theater anymore. Now that I have mentioned that let us get into my top 5 shows from 2015 because there are just so many and so many more I could have easily put on this list.

5. Last Week Tonight

The 5 spot goes to John Oliver because aside from reading the internet, this show is how I get my news. The show is smart, quick and brings up news that is otherwise not talked about. Last Week Tonight gets to be funny and intelligent while not catering to click bait or sponsors. I just really enjoy this show from this british man.

4. Masters of None

Master of None was a sleeper pick for me. The Netflix original show starring and created by Aziz Ansari is hilarious and relateable, so many times I found myself thinking "Damn that's how I feel." Master of None is like Louie but aimed at thirty somethings. Aziz sturggles to make it in the world of acting and the world of relationships but you laugh and enjoy the entire thing.

3. Daredevil

I honestly didn't think a superhero show would make the top 5. Even though I do love "The Flash" and "Arrow" it is Daredevil that elevates the game of comic book shows. Daredevil is dark, yes, but it has heart and doesn't feel like it's pandering to the audience. The show is a slow build to a satisfying ending. Matt Murdock becomes the man without fear and we get to watch it in all of its glory. The real stand out in the show is the fighting. Whom ever was behind the choreography nailed it, every punch thrown in the show has weight and the action felt up close in the best way. I am excited by the easter eggs that were left and can't wait to binge watch season 2.

2. Justified

This show shouldn't need an explanation for why it is my number 2 of the year, but I am already here so I mine as well go on with it. Justified came to an end this year and provided a most satisfying ending without being fan service. Raylan Givens is a BA and the show that started of being based on the book series by Elmore Leonard. Timothy Olyphant is fire in the show and was born to be Rylan. This is a must watch series.

1.  Rick and Morty Season 2

This was not an easy decision, the whole list is made up of fantastic shows and I easily could have listed just five comedies or five drama shows but I tried to not fall into that trap, which made picking number one all the more difficult. The number one sport goes to Rick and Morty for being instantly funny and rewatchable. Dan Harmon blends amazing story telling and meta jokes like no other story teller I have seen. The "Doc and Marty" duo is perfect and I can't help but quote the show. I only dream of making a story on this level someday. Three cheers for Rick and Morty.