
BSP-020: Let's Talk Guitars & Music

For timestamps, check the Video Description on YouTube

On today's episode, we don't really have a main topic, but we do discuss a lot. First, I talk about why I was not fully prepared for this episode of the podcast. Then I share my thoughts and ideas on Freebooting. 

For news, I discuss a new X-Files comic and then discuss Outcast (Robert Kirkman), A New Wave of Violence (by Head Wound City), and briefly discuss Fidlar & Die Antwoord. I have been testing out the G-Board for iOS, and I briefly share my thoughts about that, and then finally we get into questions from AdrianL, GWLEdits, Παναγιώτης Συσκάκης, ST Graves, Sticky_Keys, Flaws23, and Mika K.

X-Files Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ABKzr5L-lk
Rick & Morty Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u13NrlpfAeM

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