Tucson Comic Con

The Paper Robots Episode 80: Tucson Comic Con 2016

I return to my hometown Tucson for the comic convention! Cynthia and I shared a table at the convention with Tania and we sold our creations!

I chat about my experience as an exhibitor for a comic con and what it was like returning home.

UPDATE: I have an online store you can now purchase my comics online!


follow me for more updates on the media @thatlogan


BSP-042: Tucson Comic Con 2016 Reflection

00:00 - Intro
01:05 - Politics
01:35 - Motivational Speech
04:08 - Why I Missed Last Week’s Podcast
06:02 - Selecting Gear for Panels
09:03 - My Tucson Comic Con Experience
18:14 - What I learned?
19:39 - What I’ve Been Testing
25:07 - Outro

On today's episode of Bandrew Says Podcast, I make a quick announcement about politics, and then give a rather lengthy motivational speech regarding how I think you should approach your passion projects.

For the majority of the podcast I talk about why I missed last week’s podcast, Tucson Comic Con. I talk about my experiences at the con, what my favorite parts were, and what I learned from acting as Director of Programming.

Lastly, I talk about what I have been testing. First I talk about what I plan to test in the coming months, and then talk about the most essential part of my travel kit as well as why I love fanny packs. To end the podcast I talk about my new gaming system!

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