BSP-067: Advice for YouTube

00:00 - Intro
01:06 - I got a GTX1060 & New Power Supply
02:33 - Twitter Alternative to Cable?
05:45 - Hulu TV Beta is Live
08:00 - Change to YouTubes Desktop Layout
09:50 - New YouTube Shows & Pushing out Controversial Content Creators
12:45 - Facebook Rewards
15:20 - Game of Thrones Actors Required to Use 2 Factor Authentication
16:45 - NSA Ignored the USA Freedom Act
19:25 - FBI Pushing for Access to Encrypted Devices (https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/03/fbi-director-comey-backs-new-feinstein-push-for-decrypt-bill/?ncid=rss)
24:53 - Danny Devito & Jeff Goldblum Comedy Show!
25:35 - A Great Drum Sampler Plugin
28:04 - Ask Bandrew
32:08 - Outro

On episode 67 of the podcast, the only personal thing I talk about is my experience installing a new graphics card and power supply in my computer. 

In news, I talk about a bunch Twitter Live streaming news, and how this may be something that helps people who want to become cord cutters. I also talk about Hulu TV, and what you should expect out of that service.

In Youtube news, I talk about the new desktop layout and some of the new features that come with the new design. I also talk about YouTube's plans to roll out new series that they are paying hundreds of millions to develop, and I offer some advice to YouTube Execs.

In other news, I talk about facebook rewards, actors being forced to use 2 factor authentication, the NSA ignoring the USA Freedom Act, and the FBI pushing for access to encrypted devices.

Submit your questions to be answered on a future episode to AskBandrew@gmail.com

The Bandrew Says Podcast is available on:
►iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bandrew-says-podcast-audio/id1046423132?mt=2
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►RSS Feed: http://bandrewsays.libsyn.com

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Citizen Four

Have you ever considered that your government is violating your rights? Have you ever thought that governments and corporations around the world were working together to spy on millions upon millions of people? If the answer to either of these questions is no, it's time to watch the documentary Citizen Four. If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then it's also time to watch Citizen Four, because it always feels good to have your suspicions confirmed.

In this film we follow Edward Snowden during his first meet up with the press in a hotel in Hong Kong, through the leak, all the way through him taking asylum in Russia. While watching the doc, we almost feel like another report in the hotel room with Snowden; unable to comprehend the technical jargon he is throwing at us, so we just take notes and nod our head. However, once we start to understand the implications of what we're being told, we stop nodding and we start to get angry. 

Prior to watching this doc, I had not done any research on Snowden, or looked at the leaked documents/information for two reasons. 1) I most likely would not understand a word of the technical documents, and 2) I don't want to be put on some blacklist. That second justification sounds like a joke, but it is not. Google searches are stored, and provided to NSA. Pretty damn unsettling if you ask me.

The film begs the viewer to ask the question, is my privacy really worth giving up for my safety? That's an incredibly valid and scary question to ask, and one that I don't think anyone wants to answer. After all, our privacy is one of our main freedoms and can we truly say that we are free, if we no longer have the ability to have a private conversation?