
On The Subject: Of Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 and Beyond!

In this episode we breakdown our predictions on the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This includes , movie releases, TV shows, fan casting and more!

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BSP-085: The Equifax Data Breach

On episode 85 of the BSP I talk about the HUGE Equifax Data Breach, recording a podcast with a condenser mic, Disney’s streaming service, Roku’s new channel, Updates to YouTube’s streaming capabilities, YouTube HDR Playback, and China Banning ICO’s. I also share some feedback from a listener who lives in China re: Deanonymizing users comments.

In the ask Bandrew segment I hear about Australian internet, recommend some speaker amps that I’ve used, Talk about the Rode NT-USB, Answer if I hate Donald Trump, and answer how I stay polite while answering the same question over and over again.

Discord Server (

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Recording a Podcast with a USB Condenser Mic (Processing listed on
03:06 - Roku Is Launching a Channel
06:30 - Marvel & Star Wars Films Only on Disney’s Streaming Service
08:00 - YouTube Updating Live Streaming Capabilities
12:25 - YouTube Rolling Out HDR Playback to Android Devices
13:53 - China Banned ICO’s
15:45 - Feedback About my Thoughts on China Deanonymizing Internet Commenters
20:55 - Equifax Data Breach!!!
29:50 - Fulltone OCD Pedal
30:17 - New Pickups for Guitar
30:30 - Researching Guitar Amps
31:21 - Ask Bandrew
31:38 - Australian Internet Speeds
32:54 - Speaker Amps ( or (Affiliate Links)
34:06 - Can You Use the Rode NT-USB & Do You Hate Trump?
36:00 - How Do You Stay Polite While Answering Questions That You Answered in Your Video?
38:52 - Outro

Submit your questions to be answered on a future episode to

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A Brief History of Misty Knight!

Get out of the way men and get ready for a BA lady in this Superhero Sunday with Misty Knight!

The History

Art by Khari Evans

Art by Khari Evans

Originally created by Tony Isabella and Arvell Jones she first appeared in Marvel Premiere #21 (March, 1975).  History then reveals that she was actually an unnamed woman in Marvel Team-Up #64 (1972) and was save from muggers by Spider-Man

Since her creation she has always been attached to interesting titles like; Deadly Fists of Kung-Fu, Power Man and Iron Fist, Daughters of the Dragon and prominently in Heroes for Hire. 

She has remained in times since her creation and now in Marvel's MCU Luke Cage show.

The Character

Misty is a former highly skilled and highly decelerated, NYPD detective, who was injured in the line of duty and lost her arm preventing a bomb attack. She resigned from the force a rather than be a desk jockey. 

Tony Stark recognized her bravery and offers to provide her with a bionic arm. The arm provided her with superhuman strength. One of Misty's strongest traits is her loyalty to her friends. She saves her friend Collen Wing (also a hero) and they become a private detective team. It was known by two names "Knightwing Restoration" and daughters of the dragon (because both knew martial arts and often had to use those skills). From their Misty would team-up with Spider-Man and the X-Men then Iron Fist.

It was her private detective agency that lead her to meeting Iron Fist and Luke Cage, Misty and Colleen would end up helping Luke and Iron Fist on many cases and eventually she joined Heroes for Hire. This would go on for years and Misty even began a relationship with Iron Fist. Heroes for Hire took many street level cases but allowed to show the streets of Marvel's New York and they would stop many gangs and Hydra.

Civil War happened and shook up everything, Misty reformed and sided with registration after seeing all the heroes going unchecked on their abilities. This would put her at ends with Danny (Iron Fist) and break up Heroes for Hire. Though Iron Fist disagreed with the "Initiative" they stayed together and she even rushed to his aid with Luke Cage.

Post Civil War Misty creates her own  Heroes for Hire and provides a team of street level heroes in exchange for money and information. Then she joins a team of powerful women in the Fearless Defenders. (Things go silent for a little for Misty until All-New Marvel).

Her current Marvel status is with fighting along side Sam Wilson (Former Falcon/current Capt. America). She also appears to be in a relationship with Sam.

My hope is with the new Iron Fist show, Misty will return to Iron Fist in the comics as a bad ass Kung-Fu duo.

Why this hero?

I only knew by proxy of Iron Fist and the 2006 Civil War event story. I also read the brief run of Fearless Defenders and wanted to learn about all the super women in that title.  She sparked my interest but with on Netflix's current series Luke Cage, I had to check more of the awesome lady out. 

Recommended Reading:

  • Iron Fist Epic Collection: Fury of Iron Fist
  • Heroes for Hire (2006)
  • Fearless Defenders

Superhero Sunday: Ms. Marvel

Let’s grab a big yellow S and get ready for some cosmic rays as we blast into this month’s Superhero Sunday with Ms. Marvel.Please note that I will be covering the title “Ms Marvel: and how the main character changes through present day

The History

Ms.Marvel was first thought of in 1968 as the female counterpart to Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), and appeared in Marvel’s Superheroes #13. It wasn’t until 1977 that she really was a part of the Marvel universe as Carol Danvers.

Carol was Ms. Marvel until 1985 when Mike Carlin and Ron Wilson, creators on the Fantastic  Four, decided that a new woman would pick up the name after being exposed to cosmic rays. Thus Sharon Venture became Ms. Marvel. Then in 2009 Dr. Karla Sofen, the super villain known as Moonstone became Ms. Marvel during the storyline “Dark Reign.”

Carol Danvers would occasionally pick the name backup, but that was until the mantle was adopted by a 13 year old inhuman in 2013. This new rendition of Ms Marvel was created by  Sana Amanat, G. Willow Wilson, and Adrian Alphona

The Character

Who is a Ms. Marvel? What does it take? Well, it takes a strong willed independent female getting hit by cosmic rays or becoming an inhuman to be Ms.Marvel. Carol Danvers (the first and now the new Captain Marvel) was an officer in the Air Force who, on a mission, gets caught in an explosion with Captain Marvel (a Kree alien) and she is exposed to cosmic rays. These are the rays that gave the fantastic four their powers and what makes the Silver Surfer the “Silver Surfer.” Once exposed she is enhanced and can shoot rays, fly and exhibits super strength. With this power she fights along the Avengers, and battles many galactic enemies.

The next most important person to dawn the mantle is when Moonstone takes over the mantle and during Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign and she becomes the Ms.Marvel of the Dark Avengers lead by Norman. As Moonstone she gets power from a Kree gravity stone and is imbued with powers similar to that of most superheroes but most like Ms. Marvel. During this era Ms.Marvel gets her name tarnished and the mantle is left alone. Carol later assumes the mantle of Captain Marvel in honor of the death of Mar-vell.

Now jump to a young New Yorker girl who discovers she has been exposed to a terrigen mist, which awakens special cells in certain people that makes them inhuman (it's like realizing you're a mutant but different). When Kamala Khan, a teen who already looks up to many super heroes, becomes an inhuman with super powers, she decides she wants to be like her idol; thus she becomes the contemporary Ms.Marvel. But Kamala is different. She has super strength and can morph her body, but she cannot fly.

Why this Hero?

Ms.Marvel has always been a real “BA” and that's awesome. I will admit it wasn’t til Kelly Sue made her Captain Marvel that I fell in love with Carol Danvers. That being said, everything written during Civil War was amazing and encouraged me to like so many characters.

However, it is Kamala that takes the cake for me. Her story is like a hybrid of commentary on contemporary while also being a new version of the Spider-Man “fish out of water” story. She learns what it is to be a hero while being inspired by the Avengers, much like how readers of comics are inspired by morally strong characters. I must recommend Ms. Marvel with Kamala Khan to everyone.

Recommended Reading

  • Marvel Masterworks: Ms. Marvel Book 1

  • Ms.Marvel (Marvel Now) vol.1

  • Dark Reign

Superhero Sunday: Dr. Strange

Open your third eye as we dive into this magical edition of Superhero Sunday with Dr.Strange. 

The History

Created in 1963 by none other than the magical mind of Steve Ditko and first appearing in Strange Tales #110. Ditko brought a five page story to Stan Lee for a new, different, and magic character. Stan Lee liked the idea enough to give it a shot and Dr. Strange would have reoccurring issues in Strange Tales before joining other books and getting his own title. Ditko would go on to make some of his most interesting and surrealist works with Dr. Strange.

The Character

Stephen Vincent Strange was an egotistical neurosurgeon turned to superhero and Sorcerer Supreme of the mystic arts. As a doctor Stephen was cold and cared little for his patients or anyone. He was egotistical because he was a brilliant doctor but also a real dick. His life was going to change drastically and ultimately to becoming the hero he is today. Stephen Strange gets in a sever car accident and damages the nerves in his hands, this would mean he could no longer be the neurosurgeon he once was. But Stephen was too vain to admit anything and became desperate to find a way to heal his hands and continue being a doctor. After exhausting all traditional options, Strange heard about an, "Ancient One" and journeyed to find him. 

Once discovering a Tibetan Palace where the ancient once rested he asked to have his hands cured to which the Ancient One rejected and countered with teachings in mysticism. Strange denied the teachings but was trapped on the mountain due to a blizzard. While trapped Stephen would see Baron Mordo the Ancient One's apprentice. Baron saw an opportunity to attack his teacher and become the new successor to Sorcerer Supreme but in the mystic battle the Acient One won. After witnessing this magic Stephen agreed to be trained and Baron Mordo was rejected (this would later make Baron the rival to Stephen).  Under the tutelage of the Ancient One Stephen Strange became a great mystic. 

Strange would learn of all the mystic realms and black magic in oder to one day be the successor of the Ancient One. Strange's power included ageless life and magic manipulation. He later received a sidekick and trained in meditation to achieve astral projection and became Sorcerer Supreme when the Ancient One fell.

Dr. Strange moved back to New York and would defend earth against the mystic realms. This would put him in touch with the other heroes, ultimately joining a team known as "The Defenders". He also gained a solo title and would continue to grow in ?the Marvel Universe. 

Why this hero?

Dr. Strange has a far longer history than what has been written here but I honestly didn't read Dr. Strange until much later in his career. I think that's one thing I love about the rich history of superheroes, you can discover them and go back to read more and keep finding stories to read and explore. Dr. Strange became one of my favorite characters during "Civil War" (FYI: civil war is my favorite event and the post civil war books). While the two side of the marvel universe are spilt, it is Dr. Strange that offers refuge to a team of heroes who form a rebellion known as "The New Avengers." I really liked the writing of Strange and friends by Brian Michel Bendis. This was when I wanted to learn more about Dr. Strange and characters like Iron Fist. Basically magic is cool and I thought Dr. Strange was this unique guy that I wanted to know more about.

So, what would I recommend as a good jumping on point? There are huge collections of "Strange Tales" of Dr.Strange book but I have a few I really enjoyed.

Recommended Reading:

Logan's Top 5 Comics of 2015

Much like with television, we live in a day and age of comics where there seems to be an endless amount of quality stories being told by multiple publishers. This is a wonderful thing for us as readers/consumers but it also means that there is so much to consume. That being said, these are my top 5 comics of 2015 and the list only scratches the surface of all the amazing books being put out. Though it didnt make the top 5, shout out to Lumberjanes, a book I have loved since it launched but I wanted to focus of books that came out in 2015 or that I discover in 2015.

5. Self Obsessed- Sina Grace

The title only scratches the surface of this memoir created by Sina Grace. The book is a narrated collection of work done by Sina Grace of the past year and goes into in the personal struggles of a comic creator. While the comic revolves solely on the life of Sina and everything that he has gone through, it also connects you and lets you into the mind of an artist and provides a glimpse of what it is like to try to make comic books while maintaining a life full of mistakes, love, friends and family. As someone trying to make comics myself, I connected with the struggles of trying to be human while devoting time to telling stories.




4. Sandman: Overture

If you haven't read the original series (1989) by creator Neil Gaiman, I recommend you do so now. But it is not necessary to have read it before reading Overture as time is fluid and this story is a self contained mini-series by Neil Gaiman and artist J.H. Williams III. Overture follows the Sandman, the "Prince of Dreams," on a journey to save the universe from destruction. The art is beautiful and for that reason alone is worth picking up but Neil Gaiman also tells an amazing poetic story that only he can tell. I didnt read the original series until last year but I fell in love with the book and was so happy for more of Morpheus (Sandman has many names I used three).




3. Ms. Marvel

There are so many " Cape" books in an industry built on superheroes that it's easy to reach fatigue of super events, crossovers, reboots and relaunches, but Ms.Marvel fell into my lap and was a breath of fresh air. Created by Marvel editor, Sana Amanat, writer G. Wilow Wilson, and artist Adrian Alphona, Ms. Marvel is a beautiful book with a strong story. The main character Kamala Khan recieves her inhuman powers in a world already filled with superheroes. She, like us the readers, is a fan of these super humans and names herself after Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) whom she idolizes. I really enjoy that its a book like Spider-Man where we follow a young kid getting powers (shapeshifting and size changing) while learning to deal with them in a contemporary world. I also love the color of the book that feels light and whimsical. The book stands alone and only recently tied into big events. It's exciting to see a brand new character make an impact and looks to be sticking around in the Marvel Universe.



2. Descender

The top two spots were the hardest to decide on. There are so many great books and so many others I didn't even get to read, but there is one creator I follow religiously, and that is Jeff Lemire. His book with artist Dustin Nguyen was a book I wasnt going to pass up. Jeff Lemire is a master of capturing what the kids call "the feels" and I am a sucker for "the feels," also a sucker for scifi robot stuff. Descender takes place in a human colonized galaxy in a time where the humans have already preformed an "ethnic cleansing" on the robots and it picks up by following the awakening of a kid robot named, Tim-21 and his robot dog. The universe seems to be wiped of optimism until the young boy tries to discover what is happening. He runs into humans and other robot harvesters but there is more to Tim-21 than anyone had predicted. The story has only continued to grow and open up more paths. It captures bits of Mass Effect and a journey of a kid lost in the unknown world.



1.  Paper Girls

The number one spot goes to all time favorite writer Brian K. Vaughan for his new series Paper Girls. This spot could have easily gone to his other ongoing series, Saga which is a favorite, but I wanted to choose a book that launched this year and to be honest, they are both amazing (Read anything put out by BKV and you can't lose). There have only been five issues but it is already solid book that continues to promise a fantastic story. Paper Girls is a tale set in 1988 following a gang of girls on their predawn paper route with a Sci-Fi twist. It's been called "Stand by Me" meets " War of the Worlds." I don't want to spoil anything but BKV sets up another amazing adventure that is only further captured by the art of Cliff Chiang.

Superhero Sunday: Venom

Dress in black and let's get weird its Superhero Sunday Venom edition.

The History

Venom has only been around since 1984 but has a very dense/clunky history. I want start from the beginning but then focus on the main points and provide some reading material for you all. The idea of a new Spiderman costume was what inspired venom and the idea was bought for $220.00 by Marvel. Mike Zeck and David Michilinie created the alien host with Spiderman and it was Todd McFarlane that drew first appearance of Venom.

The Character

First what we refer to as venom is actually an alien symbiote that combines with a human host. The alien race of parasites would travel to planets and attach to host, they would provide the host with enhance abilities while draining there life. Venom was different and wanted to commit to its host rather than killing it. The alien race decided that the venom symbiote was insane and was imprisoned on Battleworld.

Battleworld is a planet that the Marvel heroes and villains fought on during secret wars and where Spiderman would become attached to the symbiote becoming the first host of Venom. Once off Battleworld Spiderman could feel the enhanced alien suit corrupting him.  To rid himself of the suit Spiderman crashed himself into a bell tower creating sound waves that disrupt and damage the symbiote. Spiderman thought the venom alien to be dead.

Flash forward to Eddie Brock heading home on the subway after being fired from the Daily Planet. He blamed Spiderman for getting him fired and hates him. During this time it only gets worse for Eddie as he learns he has cancer. Eddie becomes desperate and goes to a church to pray. It is the same church with the bell that the symbiote was destroyed with. The symbiote being a banded and left for dead hates Spiderman. It can sense Eddie’s hatred as well and attaches to him. This fuels both of them and makes Venom proper. Eddie Brock as Venom wants to destroy Spiderman and they do many battles over the years. Venom uses the same abilities of Spiderman because that was the first host and it imprinted the web slinging/ wall crawling abilities into the alien.  Eddie Brock is the most popular Venom and villain for Spiderman but there have been several other hosts so let’s find out where Venom goes.

The next main player to dawn the mantle of Venom was Mac Gargan aka Scorpion. This happens during the Sinister 12 story line where the Venom approaches Mac offering additional strength in hopes to taking down Spiderman. Mac wears the suit for a few years through the Dark Reign until ultimately being defeated by Spiderman and the Avengers.

Alas my favorite Venom, Flash Thompson. Once the Dark Avengers are defeated the military captures the symbiote in order to study it. They want to start a new super solider project where the suit would be worn by a host and sedated/controlled by the government. Flash Thompson is a war vet and lost his legs in the war. He went to fight because he looked up to Spiderman and wanted to be a hero too. Flash now back home has an alcohol abuse problem and PTSD. He becomes a prime candidate the suit would restore his legs and provide purpose. But the struggle of becoming corrupted and evil from the suit is a hard battle. Ultimately Flash runs away with the suit and in 2015 is Venom Space Knight.

Why this hero (villian)?

I love this history of Venom from starting as a villain to Spiderman to become a rich story filled hero. The symbiotes have far for history and there is an excellent site you should all check out.


Recommended Reading:

I also  did a little flow chart to follow Venom enjoy:

Superhero Sunday: Iron Fist

Hello it's time for another Superhero Sunday with Logan. This month's superhero is Danny Rand a.k.a. Iron Fist (not the RZA movie and not Iron Man). No, no I am talking about the caucasian practitioner of martial arts and wielder of the mystical a force, that's the Iron Fist we are here for.

The History

Iron Fist was created by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane in 1974 and first appeared in Marvel Premiere #15-25. In the late 70's he got his own title and shared a book with Luke Cage called "Power Man and Iron Fist" they would later form another team "Heroes for Hire." The formation of Iron Fist comes from Roy in the 1970s. At this time there was a boom in martial arts in pop culture. The character made a big impression with Luke Cage and has outlasted the trend making him one of the more popular b-list superheroes of Marvel.

The Character

How does a white guy become a master of martial arts and receive Chi powers? It happens when your father (Wendell Rand) discovers the mystical city of K'un L'un and later saves the Yu-Ti (leader). Wendell dies and leaves Danny in K'un L'un. Danny proceeds to be raised and trained by the Yu-ti and go through the trials of becoming the Iron Fist; one of the universes immortal weapons. For a person to become an Iron First they must defeat a dragon (it is awesome). Once he becomes the Iron Fist, Danny makes the decision to leave the mystic city and return to New York to get his revenge. This leaves him human and not fully trained, thus is the origin of the Iron Fist.

It is only after his return that he joins the likes of Luke Cage and starts Heroes for Hire. From there, both Luke and Iron Fist join the Defenders. Danny also becomes more involved in the Marvel Universe post Civil War, becoming a member of the New Avengers. At one point even taking the mantle of Daredevil. He later plays a large role in the event Avengers vs. X-Men. Needless to say, Iron Fist pops up all over Marvel and each story is worth the read.

Why this hero?

So many amazing writers and artists have tackled Iron Fist but I have to mention my favorite and it is a writer I have spoke about before, Ed Brubaker, his 3 year run with artist David Aja is amazing. It was only after having read Brubaker's Iron Fist that I went back for more. During the "Immortal Iron Fist" we dive deeper into the history of the character and into the history of K'un L'un and the "immortal weapons." Brubaker fills Iron Fist with a rich history and amazing martial arts mythos.

Iron Fist spawned from the craze of Kung Fu/martial arts in the 70s and has lasted through the decades at Marvel by having a unique character that is both fun to see fight and interesting to learn about. He will show up on his own Netflix series in the coming years and I cannot what to see what they do with him (also appear in Jessica Jones).

Recommended Reading:

* You can check out a fancast I did on the Culture Popped Podcast here.