
Deep Impact

In the late 90's, there was a very special year. That special year was 1998. During this culmination of doomsday paranoia and visual effects gold rush, the same movie was released twice in the same year. This controversy split the world in to two camps; 1) Armageddon, or 2) Deep Impact.

If you have not seen either of these films, let me explain. An asteroid (armageddon) / comet (deep impact) is hurtling towards Earth. America sends astronauts to blow up the asteroid/comet. People sacrifice themselves for the good of the world. World saved. The end. Seriously. Both these films have that exact same story and they came out within 2 months of each other. 

I had always considered myself an Armageddon guy, but that's because I saw Armageddon in the theatre, and Bruce Willis sort of scares you into appreciating everything he does. But after watching Deep Impact again, I think I may be a Deep Impact guy. This is due to two main things. 1) Morgan Freeman is the president in Deep Impact, and 2) Neil Degrasse Tyson prefers Deep Impact.

In all honesty though, the acting is only decent in this film, the visual effects are dated, and the story is the same as every other apocalypse movie. It's nothing worth seeing. On top of all this, the film seems to have schizophrenia. They jump between 10 different stories, and do not focus on any of them long enough to develop any real empathy with the characters.

As I watched this movie, I was just desperately trying to find some deeper meaning. There is one scene that stuck out. After President Morgan Freeman tells the world that everything has failed, and the world will be destroyed, he walks out of the room. After he leaves the room, everyone is just left standing there. In my eyes this could be a parallel to two things:

  1. People are too focussed on careers. They allow their occupation define who they are and what they are. They do not have a personal identity, so the moment that their job position is deemed irrelevant, they are like a computer with no programming. They don't know what to do, and they don't know who they are.
  2. It could just be a knod to actions of a film crew following the wrap of a shoot. Everyone is in a state of shock because 6-12 months of work has culminated and finally come to an end. And it's bittersweet.

Okay, let's be honest. Those definitely are not what the film maker was trying to say, but it's fine to try and find meaning where there is none.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend buying this film, but if you have 2 hours to kill, and you want to see the end of the world; it's on netflix. And as I said, Morgan Freeman is the president and that can save almost any film.