Casey Neistat

BSP-107: Fan Breaks into YouTuber’s Home

On episode 107 I talk about twitter streaming local news during breaking events, updates to YouTube tv’s channel lineup and pricing, my thoughts on the Casey Neistat & Robert Kyncl interview, Susan Wojicki’s thoughts on Logan Paul, Unilever threatening to pull their ads from online platforms, and a fan breaking into a YouTuber’s house.

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00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Twitter Live Streaming News during Breaking News
02:51 - Updates to YouTube TV
04:26 - Casey Neistat & Robert Kyncl Interview
09:53 - Susan Wojicki Doesn’t Think Logan Paul should Be Kicked off YouTube
15:22 - Unilever Threatens to Pull Ads from Online Companies
18:30 - Fan Breaks into YouTuber’s Home
21:15 - Ask Bandrew
21:36 - Email 1
22:28 - Why do you prefer Mac OS over Windows
25:11 - Why did you choose this topic for youtube?
27:20 - What are your thoughts on social media?
28:59 - Have you heard of Amateur radio?
29:55 - Email 2
30:46 - How are you learning to support your voice?
32:40 - What would suggest to someone to reinvigorate their creativity?
36:00 - Email 3
37:44 - Have you seen Enemy of the State?
38:07 - Opinion on Season 11 of X-Files
40:52 - Outro

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BSP-106: Conspiracy Between YouTube & Logan Paul

On episode 106, I talk about using the Falcon Heavy Launch, Amazon Prime Delivering Groceries, Casey Nesitat interviewing YouTube CBO Robert Kyncl, YouTube Demonetizing Logan Paul’s Channel, YouTube’s Blog Post about How They Will be Handling Bad Behavior, Equifax Leaking Additional Information, a New TV Show and a new movie. 

In the ask bandrew says segment, I talk about my favorite actor, if I could buy one thing what it would be, who my Idol is, what my first microphone was, favorite conspiracy themed movies, favorite headphones, favorite unhealthy food, favorite tv show, and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. 

Discord Server (

00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Neumann TLM103
01:30 - Don’t Change Too Much Too Fast
02:52 - Falcon Heavy Launch
06:16 - Amazon Prime Delivering Groceries
07:07 - Casey Neistat Interview with YouTube CBO
08:45 - YouTube Demonetizes Logan Paul’s Channel
10:55 - Conspiracy Between YouTube & Logan Paul
14:15 - YouTube Blog Post Stating They Can Censor You!?
18:10 - My thoughts on their blog post!
23:41 - My Advice for Creators Who Upload Controversial Content
27:14 - More Data Leaked in Equifax Hacking
28:21 - New Apple TV Show
29:37 - The Cloverfield Paradox
29:50 - The Ask Bandrew Segment
30:12 - Email 1
30:50 - Favorite Actor?
31:58 - If you could buy one thing, what would it be?
32:47 - Do you have an idol? If so, why?
33:58 - First microphone?
34:29 - Email 2
35:38 - Favorite Conspiracy Movie?
37:22 - What’s your birth sign?
37:32 - Apart from Sony headphones, what are you favorite?
38:12 - Favorite unhealthy food?
38:58 - Favorite TV Show other than X-Files?
40:03 - What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you?
41:02 - Outro

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The Bandrew Says Podcast is available on:
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BSP-104: Elon Musk & His Boring Flamethrower

On episode 104, I talk about Elon Musk launching a flamethrower, Apple’s homepod being released, Universal Audio releasing a new interface, YouTube investing in positive content, Logan Paul Returning, CNN shutting down Beme, Facebook getting into game dreaming, and Apple rolling out a privacy tool.

In what I’ve been testing, I talk about the new iMac 27” I picked up and how boring I think it is as well as my initial thoughts on the Apogee Duet. In the Ask Bandrew segment, I talk about the SM57 + A81WS = SM7b, why I don’t grow a beard, Travis Walton’s abduction, Conspiracies, the future of tech, how to stay motivated, podcast naming, presidential campaign slogans, and popcorn vs. Kettle corn.

Discord Server (

00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Elon Musk is Selling a Flamethrower!
03:19 - Apple HomePod Announced & Available for Preorder
06:43 - Universal Audio Arrow Interface
09:20 - YouTube Invests in Positive Content
11:05 - Logan Paul Returns
13:00 - CNN Shut Down Beme
16:52 - Getting Gaming Tips on Facebook (
17:41 - Apple Rolling Out Privacy Icon
18:52 - iMac 27” 
20:44 - Apogee Duet
23:30 - Ask Bandrew
24:07 - Email 1
25:26 - Can the SM57 + A81WS = SM7b? (
27:09 - Why don’t you grow a beard?
27:41 - Travis Walton: Truth or Hoax?
28:53 - E-mail 2
29:16 - Why do you like conspiracies?
30:56 - Where do you think Tech is Going in the Next 100 Years?
31:25 - E-mail 3
31:58 - How do you get motivated?
33:17 - Do you like “Insert Name” as a podcast name?
34:31 - What would your campaign slogan be?
35:00 - Popcorn or Kettle Corn?
35:25 - Outro 

Submit your questions to be answered on a future episode to

The Bandrew Says Podcast is available on:
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BSP-043: Optimizing Your YouTube For Subs & Views

00:00 - Intro
01:30 - I Had a Meeting With Google!!!
02:58 - Casey Neistat is Ending His VLOG!
04:32 - EarBuds: The Podcasting Documentary
06:44 - Arrival, Amy Adams, 
08:13 - GoNovate Podcast EarBud
11:13 - Optimizing Your YouTube For Subs & Views
11:34 - Video Title Naming
13:40 - Video Descriptions
15:12 - Improving Actual Videos
18:58 - Thumbnails
20:48 - Overall Channel Page
21:51 - Creating Descriptive Playlists
23:57 - Outro

On today's episode of the BSP, I talk briefly about Casey Neistat's decision to end his daily vlog. Then I talk about two films that just came out that I am extremely excited about. First, EarBuds: The Podcasting Documentary, which I'm sure you could guess, is a documentary surrounding the podcast community. Secondly, Arrival, a sci-fi film that is a breath of fresh air amongst all the mindless stuff plaguing our screen.

Then I briefly discuss a product that I have been testing, the Go Novate bluetooth earbud before jumping into optimizing your youtube channel to acquire more subscribers and more viewers.

I cover Video Titles, Video Descriptions, Improving Videos, Thumbnails, Channel Descriptions, and Playlist creation.

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